Reaching The Children Of The World-August 2020

My heart continues to be encouraged during these difficult times. Because of faithful friends like you, we continue moving forward with the proclamation of the gospel. As you know, our virtual VBS—a virtual Bible Spectacular was a huge success—that helped many churches and families across the world. Sixty-seven different countries represented in all! As summer winds down here in America— countries like New Zealand have extended their lock-downs, so come churches from that region have asked that we continue to offer this event, which we are honored to do. We recently sent a follow-up survey to those that participated. Here is just a snippet of the feedback:
“Thankful for you providing this for the children of the world. Awesome to see children from all over and in such a professional manner.”
“We shared the info and encouraged families to use the materials as a family or invite neighbors. Even though we encourage them to let us know who was involved, they did seem to follow through. Some who have returned to onsite services have had wonderful things to say, so we know people participated. Our kids’ ministry has not returned to onsite service yet and may not until October.”
“This was such an answer to prayer for us when we couldn’t figure out how to have a VBS this year. We had grandparents participate with their grandkids on vacation, and folks in other states participate with us. Families participated together, which is not an aspect of our VBS normally. Thank you!”
These kinds of comments—and dozens more like them—reassure me that this creative work continues to reach the world.
In the middle of the WOW VBS project, our expected funding for the FaithKidz Project for 2020-21 was reduced by two-thirds due to the economic losses from the gifting foundation. But, I am thrilled to report that WOW VBS became entirely self-funded through donors that hosted the free event. FANTASTIC!
Your continued partnership with this work is vital now—more than ever before in our 39-year history. I am humbled to be leading this work during these challenging days. I am learning daily to rely on Him more and more. I am so excited about what God has planned in these next few months! Please continue that God would guide our paths as we endeavor to reach families.
Upcoming Projects: Sharing Jesus With Children, An Online Course for leaders.
(Still) Sharing His Wonder,

An AMAZING work! Thanks to everyone that put so much time, energy and creativity into this project! You did wonderful work!