Kneemail July 2020

Hello, Praying Friend—It’s mid-July, and I’ve found myself somewhere I’ve never been this time of year; home! For more than twenty-five years, I would be speaking at a camp, church, or another summer event. I think we can all agree that 2020 has been anything but “normal.” Thank you so much for standing with New Dimensions and me during these sometimes challenging days for our communities, country, and world. Amid such frustration and concern, God continues to do mighty things!

Psalm 107:1 is a helpful reminder. And Romans 8:28 is a verse we all should be reminding ourselves of daily! “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”
If you’ve been keeping up with me on social media, you already know the incredible news about our WOW! VBS that we launched last month. As of July, we’ve reached into 66 countries! To thousands of children, parents, and leaders. It has, indeed been a remarkable experience. We’ve connected with more than 1,000 churches—and two-thousand individuals. We’ve crossed borders into countries that I would have never been able to reach. And, we will continue to offer this four-day Virtual Bible Spectualr until the end of August. Every day, we have more sign-ups, and the proclamation of the Gospel continues to spread—worldwide! read more about that here:
With WOW! VBS, we connected talented people from around the world together in ways that had never been tried before. We had kid-ministry all-stars from 4-different countries; musicians; puppeteers; magicians; story-tellers and more. People like Christian Comedian Chonda Pierce, Author, creator, and story-teller Brad Montague; Chrisitan writer Gary Chapman and hostess author Ester Moreno helped bring a spirit of Christ to this project. Children’s leaders from around the world continue to rave about. God is Good. So Good.
This could not have happened without our FaithKidz project director, Steve Pennington leading the charge. He directed, edited, cajoled, connected, asked, and created. Thank you, Steve, for your dedication to kids’ ministry—and for pushing through an impossible idea.
With all the incredible things happening, we are still dealing with the reality of the economic impact this is having on our world, and of course, our ministry and our supporters. We had no budget to create WOW! VBS. But God is Good! We have been able to fully fund the WOW! VBS project with donations of time and money from those participating in the event. Which is a tremendous blessing!
The foundation which allowed us to bring in the FaithKidz project, just a year ago, has let us know that they will be unable to repeat that significant gift this again this year. But, I am not concerned—because—God is Good!

On a personal note, you may have or have not been aware that my father, Rev. Richard E. Humston, has been battling sarcoma cancer for the last year. He fought a good fight—and graduated to his heavenly body on the night of July 8th, just before midnight. I was able to tell him goodbye and loved him via Facetime just a few hours earlier. I am a blessed son. His last words uttered were to me, “I love you.” I am so thankful that my daughter, Hannah, was (along with my mom and two sisters and other family members) able to be with him when he passed into eternity.
I will see him again.
Because God is Good.
And I know that “God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”
Please continue to pray for this work. Times change. Our mission is still vital: Empowering churches and communities through uniquely engaging events that proclaim the importance of life in Christ.
Sharing HIS Wonder,

P.S. You Can Donate to WOW!VBS here.