52 Cards & The Human Condition

Hello, Praying Friend!

On the 12th of this month, I turned 52. I am finally playing with a full deck of cards! Houdini died at 52, so that disturbing fact lurks in the back of my mind. In just three more years, I can finally move into one of those 55+ communities I’ve been passing by my entire life here in sunny Florida. “What’s so special about 55?” I used to think as a young kid. Well, in three more years, I’ll discover the secret!

There’s something about secrets that are intriguing to us humans. And, I suppose, deep somewhere in my psyche, discovering secrets intrigued me enough to want to become a professional magician. To have access to the secrets. “Is she really floating in mid-air?” “How did he know my card?” “How’d he do that?!?” Perhaps a better thought is, “Why did he do that??”

Writers, info-marketing gurus, and book publishers understand we’ll pay good money to discover “the secrets to living longer” or “the secrets to success” or secrets to a great marriage, happy kids, a healthy body, a clear mind, ad infinitum. We are so intrigued by secrets, aren’t we?

I propose that it’s even deeper than that. It’s not so much secrets—it’s mystery. And it is not so much a good “who done it” mystery plot I am referring to, as it is real mystery. Like universe-level mystery stuff. So, no, not aliens; more like, “Why am I here?”

In the last 100 years, between science and technology, we’ve tried to take a lot of mystery out of living on this planet. Just in the previous 150 years, science and technology have advanced astoundingly, drastically changing how we live. From the invention of the airplane by the Wright brothers to the development of the internet, these advancements have revolutionized the human experience. Medicine has seen remarkable breakthroughs, such as the discovery of antibiotics and the development of life-saving vaccines. Just in the last century, the progress of computers has led to the digital revolution, transforming every aspect of our lives, from communication to entertainment. Space exploration has seen significant progress, with humans landing on the moon and the exploration of Mars becoming a real possibility. These incredible advancements in science and technology have undeniably shaped how we live and continue pushing the boundaries of what is possible.

Even as our world grows wiser with more information, super-computing, medical breakthroughs, and more accurate artificial intelligence (I’ve known of some politicians who have had “artificial intelligence” for their entire political lives! But I digress…) becomes more powerful, many of us are still searching for answers. Answers that we think will help us sort out the mystery. We pull back the drapes only to hear, “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.”

As the renowned scientist and self-proclaimed agnostic Albert Einstein beautifully expressed in his book Living Philosophies, “The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom the emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand wrapped in awe, is as good as dead —his eyes are closed.” Let’s open our eyes to the beauty of mystery.

Not to upstage Einstein, but he was on to something with that quote. The mystery humans seek to solve is found in faith—believing when not fully understanding. I am not speaking about ignorant, blind faith. I’m referring to deep, solid, abiding faith. The ancient scriptures tell us that “faith is the substance.” In the Bible, the very old but still amazingly relevant book of Hebrews, chapter 11, speaks this truth:

The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It’s our handle on what we can’t see. The act of faith is what distinguished our ancestors, set them above the crowd.” (Hebrews 11:1 NKJV)

This faith is a powerful force that can guide us through the mysteries of life.

While I may not be in the league of Einstein, Plato, Aristotle, or even Houdini, I am on a journey to appreciate the power of not understanding, explaining, or sorting out all the mysteries of this beautiful world of flawed humanity. It’s a journey of embracing the unknown, of finding strength in faith, and of living life to the fullest.

Perhaps to fully appreciate the present, we need to adopt ancient wisdom.

If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information and supposed exposed secrets in this digital age, I want to give you permission to let go. Embrace the mystery that life presents. It might just be the key to living an extraordinary life. When the world seems chaotic and the answers seem insufficient, let’s dance in the minefields and welcome the mystery of life.

Remember, there is a God, and He loves you. He is working all things together for good for those who love Him.

Here’s to YOU! Here’s to 52! Pick a card.

Sharing His Wonder,

Scott Humston

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