Soul Fruit

The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and whoever captures souls is wise. (Proverbs 11:30)

The fruit of an apple tree is apples. The fruit of an orange tree is oranges. The fruit of a Christian should be other Christians. The natural result of a life dedicated to Christ is to win others to Him!

Andrew Murray said, “There are two types of Christians; soul-winners and back sliders!” If we are not winning others to Christ, there is something wrong with our dedication to Christ. We should win souls because this was Christ’s mission to earth. Jesus said, “I am come to seek and save that which is lost.” His number one purpose in life and death was to bring salvation to every person in the world. He provided the salvation then He commanded us to take the message to the rest of the world. Our primary purpose in life … above every other goal … should be to win people to Christ.

We should win people because we love Christ. He said, “If you love me keep my commandments.” He said a few verses later, “If you do not love me you will not keep my commandments.” (John 14:15 & 24) Our love for Christ should motivate us to make our number one commitment to win others to Him.

We should win them to Christ because we love them. When we discover a new restaurant that is fantastic we can’t wait to tell our friends about it. If we see a movie that impacts our life, we recommend it to all our friends.

When we have discovered the One who forgives sin, gives peace, comfort and strength for daily living, offers a plan for a super-abundant life, brings the only escape from Hell and the gift of everlasting life here and in Heaven! We ought to enthusiastically tell others how they can also have this exciting gift for themselves!

Each of us—where we are, with what we have, can be used to spread the Gospel. Through our words, actions, and sometimes non-action can be salt and light! You don’t have to be “called” into “full-time” ministry.  You can do mighty things right where you are!

[bctt tweet=”Each of us—where we are, with what we have, can be used to spread the Gospel. Through our words, actions, and sometimes non-action can be salt and light! You don’t have to be “called” into “full-time” ministry.  You can do mighty things right where you are!” username=”scotthumston”]

Although my “professional” life is dedicated to proclaiming His message to others  (and I often feel unworthy to be in His service) but by His grace He called me and praise the Lord, He is blessing with many souls for Christ!

However, I am seeing “reaping” because many others have “planted and watered.” Most have been in the hearts and prayers of loved ones for years. Others have been witnessed to many times by Pastors and church members. Most have been invited to the Crusade by concerned friends.

And YOU have been instrumental … more than you can know … by providing the prayers and finances to make this ministry possible and potent for the Lord. Thank you for the “TEAM/PARTNERSHIP” relation you have with this ministry!

Here are some great resources to help you share the Gospel:

Sharing His Wonder,

Scott Humston

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