
Kneemail June 2023


Hello Prayer Partner!

May has slipped away so quickly; as we enter June, I wanted to update you on current work; I had three school outreaches in May that went super. Over 2,000 kids laughed, clapped, and had a great time! (If you are looking for an outreach for your community, check out this site: schoolshow.com.)

This summer, I’ll be doing events in Florida. Pennsylvania and Texas. Steve, our FaithKidz director, will have a multi-week summer outreach in New York City. Please be praying for both of us as we travel and connect with kids & communities with Jesus!

Five years ago, I was dissatisfied with the selection of follow-up materials publishers used for children when a child had made a decision for Christ. Either the materials were too complicated, not clear, or if they were good—they were always out of stock. So, I decided to create & print our own. “I said “Yes!” to Jesus is a simple, effective follow-up for children aged 5-12. So, based on several past pieces and with the input of over a dozen Children’s Ministers, Workers, and Pastors, we created this simple, effective, easy-to-understand follow-up guide. You can see it and learn more at tinyurl.com/I-Said-Yes-NDE.

This summer, we pray that we’ll give out dozens of these to children who profess faith in Christ after an event. (We use excellent materials from Campus Crusade for adults and older children.)

Good Problem: After several spring events, we are almost out of this booklet and are reprinting it this month. Would you consider a gift for this vital project? (If you have never financially supported this work, or it’s been a while, consider this your invitation from me to support a terrific resource that is making a difference in the spiritual lives of young children. Again, you can learn more and donate here: tinyurl.com/I-Said-Yes-NDE

Thank you, praying friend, for your support of this work. The last three years are well behind us, and we are excited about the years ahead. As Romans 8:31 reminds us… “If God is for us…who can be against us?!” Let’s Go!

A well-thought out and easy-to-follow guide.

Ignite the faith of young hearts with “I Said Yes” guide! Designed for children aged 5-12, this Biblically accurate and concise piece is a must-have. With no illustrations intentionally, it allows adults to lead children who have accepted Christ, providing clarity on their decision and guiding them forward. Help us print more of these invaluable tracts by donating today!

Take your Children’s Ministry from good to great with KidMin Hacks weekly resources!

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