
Kneemail Update • April 2023-Beyond The Bunny


Good Morning, Praying Friend!

April is here, and the celebration of the resurrection is fast approaching.

The word “Easter” comes from the Greek words eostas meaning spring, and pstas meaning rebirth or resurrection. This was a pagan holiday that the early Christians adapted to the Christian religion.

In the 13th century, Germanic people began to celebrate a goddess called Eostra, who was also a goddess of fertility and spring renewal. In Germany, rabbits were a popular symbol for Eostra, and this became the foundation of the tradition of the Easter Bunny. Although the Bible doesn’t explicitly command us to celebrate Easter, it does tell the story of the Resurrection of Jesus. It is a central story in the New Testament and the main reason we celebrate Easter.

The Resurrection of Christ gives us hope.

Christ’s resurrection vindicates Jesus’ claim to be the Son of God with power according to the Holy Spirit.

The resurrection also helps us understand the Bible’s teaching about the grave and death. It shifts people’s belief about the timing of when saved people are reunited with their family and friends from the time of a person’s death to the time of the Lord’s return, which enables us to see our hope as the restoration of the heavens and the earth (Matthew 24:35-36).

Another essential attribute is that the resurrection means the presence of God in our lives as Christians. As we continue to grow in our faith, we can start to notice things like a hunger for more of God, a desire to do what is holy, a more cautious view of participating in sin, a more profound love for others, attitude changes, and much more.

This is because the Spirit of the Resurrection is present in each of us as Christians. The Apostle Paul tells us that the same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is now living among you and gives life to your mortal body. Once you accept Christ, He moves in as the Holy Spirit within you. “Now, if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him.” Rom. 6:8.

Acceptance of Christ will give you everlasting life. “But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Rom 6:23b.

As you begin to understand the resurrection of Christ better, you’ll find It will give you a whole new perspective on how to live your life in the present and prepare you for the future. Do you need a better understanding of God’s plan for man? How about what Christ’s life, death, and resurrection mean for you? Here’s a link to a free 16-day journey to begin to understand God’s love for you!  You can access that by this safe link: https://scotthumston.com/its-not-magic/

Updates From Scott

We just finished an amazing 6-day outreach here in my local community! I presented our school program in three elementary schools; over 2,200 children participated in the assemblies. We saw 538 come back to our family night events! Then, I spoke three times at First Baptist Mount Dora. We saw 34 people make decisions. 17 people (including some children) accept Christ as Savior! Please be praying for these new Christians as we follow up with them. Take a look at this amazing highlight video!


My mom, Winona, turns 80 this month! We’ll be throwing a bit of a shindig for her! Overall, her health is fantastic. She struggles with her short-term memory. I’d love you to lift up my sweet mom in your daily prayer time this month. She’s a hoot! (If you want to know more about her, check out the introduction of my book, Sharing Wonder. You can order that here: scotthumston.shop)

Your prayers and financial support have sustained New Dimensions Evangelism for 41 years. Thank you, dear friend, for your commitment to reaching the lost for Christ!


Scott’s book, Sharing Wonder, came out last fall. It’s a conversational collection of stories from Scott Humston and his journey of Faith, Hope & Love. It will inspire you!

Scott Humston

Scott’s book, Sharing Wonder, came out last fall. It’s a conversational collection of stories from Scott Humston and his journey of Faith, Hope & Love. It will inspire you!

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