2017 Year In Review-Digital Edition
Here’s out 2017 Year In Review! Be sure to enlarge so you can read it easily!
I appreciate you standing with me in 2017!
Sharing His Wonder,
Here’s out 2017 Year In Review! Be sure to enlarge so you can read it easily!
I appreciate you standing with me in 2017!
Sharing His Wonder,
You may have seen the news that Dr. Chalres Stanley has passed from this earthly life. However, what you may not know is the impact he had directly on this ministry. In case you didn’t know who he was, Charles Stanley (born September 25, 1932 – died April 18, 2023), American pastor, author, and founder…
He Lost it, and when he did, he gained much more. My wife and I attended a funeral the other day for an extended family member. It was not a sudden loss, for all who knew him knew his passing might be near. The minister did a good job and shared some details of…
Do you ever feel as if you are in a hopeless situation … where there seems to be no reason for your existence. Maybe friends or loved ones are no longer close to you, perhaps they have gone from this life and you feel all alone, or something has happened in your life that makes…
How many times have you had an impression of something you should do, or a thought or idea cross your mind? Later you found out that a positive reaction to that idea was the best thing you could have done. Was it an educated guess … was it because you are “smarter” than others … was it…
You’re invited to celebrate my 50th birthday with me, my family & friends! We’re gathering for an evening of pure fun & Wonder on September 10, 2022, in Mount Dora, Florida. This is your GOLDEN TICKET invitation! Let me know if you’re coming: Click here for our Facebook Event Page.
This month each year, we think more about those words that still ring in our ears from the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, 1776. They seem to be the ideal of every person living today … yet do we really understand the “rules of the game?” For most Americans, when we think of “life and the pursuit…