
Time, Talent, or Treasure?

Hello, Praying Friend!

Merry Christmas! As we step into the final week of Advent, with Christmas Day just around the corner, I trust you’re basking in the Hope, Peace, and Joy that this season brings. It’s a time of great anticipation and celebration!

Here at NDE, we’ve been diligently working on our 2024 Year-End wrap-up, and I hope to have that to you next month. Looking back and seeing what God has done through this work is always exciting!

At this time of year, I often reflect on the wise men and their role in the plan. Over the years, I’ve written various pieces on these intriguing and integral figures in the Savior’s story. This season, for just a moment, let’s explore the gifts the Magi offered.

(By the way, we know from history there were three gifts—so we justify that there were three of the Magi. However, some scholars believe there could have been more or less wisemen. To learn more about the Magi, click here .)

The three wise men, or Magi, play a significant role in the Christmas story as they journey from the East, guided by a shining star to honor the birth of Jesus. Their journey symbolizes the universal recognition of Christ’s significance, transcending cultural and geographical boundaries. This universal message invites us all to reflect on our own faith journey and the deeper connections we can make with the risen Christ.

The gifts brought by the Magi to Christ hold deep symbolic meaning that reflects Jesus’s nature and significance. Each gift—gold, frankincense, and myrrh—carries its own message and offers insight into God’s plan.

1. Gold: A gift fit for a king, gold symbolizes royalty and dignity. It acknowledges Jesus as the rightful King of Kings, recognizing His sovereign authority over all. In presenting gold, the Magi honor Jesus as a newborn child and as the ruler of heaven and earth. This gift invites us to recognize Christ’s lordship in our lives and to submit to His reign with reverence and awe.

2. Frankincense: This precious resin was often used in religious ceremonies and worship, symbolizing divinity and holiness. The offering of frankincense points to Jesus’ divine nature as the Son of God. It emphasizes His role as the High Priest who mediates between humanity and God. By bringing frankincense, the Magi acknowledge Jesus as worthy of worship, inviting us to reflect on our acts of devotion and the sacredness of our relationship with the divine.

3. Myrrh: Unlike the previous two gifts, myrrh carries a more somber and prophetic significance. Typically used in embalming, it foreshadows the suffering and death that Jesus would endure for humanity’s salvation. This gift serves as a poignant reminder that the path of Christ is one of sacrifice and redemption. By bringing myrrh, the Magi highlight the reality of Jesus’ mission on earth, encouraging us to understand the depth of His love and the cost of our salvation.

Together, these gifts weave a narrative that captures the essence of who Jesus is and what He came to accomplish. They invite us to contemplate His kingship, divinity, and ultimate sacrifice, urging us to respond with our own gifts—our time, talents, and treasures—in service to Him and others.

What gifts will you offer to Him in 2025? Will it be your time, talent, or treasure?

Sharing His Wonder,

Scott Signature In Blue


P.S. I prayerfully hope that you would consider a year-end donation to this work. We strive to share Christ through creativity, connection, and community. 100% of your gift goes back into this work to help us engage people and proclaim Christ through live events. We also curate materials and curriculum for those who lead children and families at no charge. We’ve proclaimed Christ since 1981! Join us in making an impact. Check the “Donate” button below.

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