Living Out Matthew 25:40
Christ repeatedly challenged his followers to show their love for Him by treating others with love. He said that the way we treat other people is the way we are treating Him. Did you realize that in losing your temper and saying those cruel words to your family member … Jesus said you were saying those things to Him.
When you criticized that fellow church member … you were criticizing Christ. When you pulled that dirty business deal that hurt that other person so badly … you were hurting Jesus. When you manipulated that committee to impose your will over their’s … you were dominating Christ. When you snubbed that drunken “bum” … you were snubbing the Lord.
“In that you have done this unto the least of these, you have done it unto me.” Matthew 25:40
But wait … this is not only true when you do something evil to another person, it is also true when you do something good and kind to someone.
In being patient and kind with your family, you are expressing love to Christ. In treating others with respect and love, you are expressing
love to Jesus. In Matthew 25, Jesus also says that some will be commended for doing good thing to Christ. They will be confused, not remembering that they had done those good things to the Lord. Then Jesus said, “When you did those (good) things to others, you were doing them to me!”
Let’s try to make everyone with whom we come in contact, feel loved— for Jesus’ sake!