Kneemail March 22, 2019
Surprised By Wonder.
Dear Praying Friend,
March is half over…which means soon the first quarter of 2019 will have already passed. Time is flyin’! There’s so much good news to share with you! It’s so easy to get overburdened with bad news it’s vital that we take time to reflect on the good!
The trip to the United Kingdom was fantastic. We presented the Gospel in six schools, spoke in a Church of England Sunday morning service (I had to attain approval from the Arch Bishop of Canterbury to make that happen!), helped launch a new family service at that same church—with 50 in attendance the first Sunday! Had a private meeting with a Minister of Parliament—and was escorted to a private area in the House of Commons to hear Prime Minister Teresa May speak. It was a fantastic experience—and I believe many more opportunities will come from the eleven days spent ministering there.
Before I go, I need to share this with you: I don’t often get “surprised” by events. My schedule and office flow are always planned out—sometimes more than a year in advance. However, at the end of February, I was speaking at First Baptist Pompano Beach, Florida. It’s about a 3.5-hour drive, one way, from my home. I wrapped up that Saturday night’s event—and was in the church foyer meeting folks. And a gentleman came up to me and said, “Hi, Scott! I’m Roy! (he did say his last name, but for privacy, I’ll withhold it here.)
“Roy!” I replied. “What are you doing here?!” Although we had never met, I knew he lived in Virginia.
“I am visiting my son’s family this weekend.” He responded. “That was my granddaughter, you had on stage earlier!”
I was stunned! Shocked! You see, I had never met Roy in person—but he has been supporting New Dimensions Evangelism for many years. Long before I was involved. His prayers and generous giving have been vital to the life of this ministry! I had no idea that the young girl that had helped me on stage earlier was his granddaughter—nor that he was in the audience of about 400 that evening.
I love that God orchestrates moments like that in our lives. I experienced Wonder myself that evening. Thank you, Roy, for your support and friendship. Thank you, God, for allowing me to be surprised by Wonder, too.
And thank you for your continued prayers, friendship and financial support of this work.
(If you have never given financially to this work, all I ask is that you pray about it, and respond to how God may lead you. All donations are tax-deductible, and I receive no salary from this ministry.)
Sharing His Wonder,