
The Power of One Vote—False but True!

About this time every four years we are inundated with admonitions to vote because one vote defeated so many important events. This is true … but, most of the data given to prove this is FALSE. This includes the famous story referring to one vote and Oliver Cromwell, Charles I of England, and America almost speaking German instead of English. These statements have often been repeated by newspaper columnists, bloggers or Ministers in an impassioned plea for their readers or listeners to get out the vote. In this age of instant and social media, this is the type of thing that is tempting to pass on because it proves the point one is trying to make.

The problem is that historically, these are NOT accurate statements. All of us who are speakers or writers have made similar mistakes, so we cannot be too quick to blame. But as Christians, we should be more careful about passing on statements like this. I know, I’ve been guilty of sharing information on social media that was later proven to be false.

However, your vote IS important this year! Andrew Johnson did actually retain his office by one vote. In the 1830’s, a man who earned the facetious name of “Landslide” Morton, became the governor of Massachusetts by actually one vote. Then in another election, he again won by just one vote. It is easy to see how his contemporaries gave him the nickname, “Landslide.” I had an acquaintance, who won a prestigious award by one vote. He admitted that his own was the one vote that gave him the victory. I guess he really believed in himself!

If we believe in America, and the Godly principles upon which it was founded, EVERY Christian MUST vote this November! I guarantee you that the non-Christian people WILL be voting. I genuinely believe that the future of America is NOT in what the un-Godly do, it lies in the hands of the God’s people … in what they do or do not do!

The Lord said in 2 Chronicles 7:14, “If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” Notice that God specifically said it is dependent on God’s people, NOT the un-Godly!

Every child of God MUST pay the price in humility, prayer, seeking God’s will AND changing the way we live to glorify Christ … THEN God will forgive us and HEAL THE NATION.

WE MUST ALSO VOTE! If you cannot be there on Election Day, prepare NOW with an absentee ballot! But PLEASE VOTE. Please pray earnestly for God to lead you in making your choices for the entire future of America.

Also, please continue to pray for the ministry, the financial needs of the ministry, the events, and for my family and me! I sincerely appreciate the “PARTNERSHIP” you have with us in trying to touch our world for Jesus!


Sharing His Wonder

Scott Signature In Blue

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