Results from The Rocky Mountain Initiative

Results from The Rocky Mountain Initiative

For the Rocky Mountain District, Church of the Nazarene, Fall 2016 initiative, they wished to reach local schools— and partner with local churches for community impact. So, they reached out to New Dimensions Evangelism. The vision was to create a positive impact on schools–and bring in the lost to local churches. And to inspire local…

A Personal Request

A Personal Request

Wow!  Or maybe, Whew!  This summer has flown by. I’ve just returned home after spending almost the entire month of July on the road. June, too, was a busy and productive month for our ministry. This summer we had fantastic programs in Florida, Texas, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Illinois.  Lots of miles…lots of smiles…and lots of…

Love One Another?

Love One Another?

“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”(John 13:35) Did you ever wonder to yourself why the peoples of the world cannot get along with each other? Why can’t the Arabs and the Jews settle their conflicts and live in harmony? Why can’t they settle the conflicts in Africa?…

2015 In Review

2015 In Review

Dear Friend, I want to thank you so much for standing by New Dimensions Evangelism in 2015. We saw God move in amazing ways—despite some challenging times. I want to share with you a brief re-cap of the ministry events of this past year–events that without your prayers and support would not have happened. As…