The Passover & Last Supper
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Every year as Christians around the world celebrate the resurrection of Christ, many practicing Hebrew people celebrate the Passover. In fact, it was the Passover Seder meal, that Christ (a Hebrew Rabbi) was celebrating as he gave the Last Supper to his disciples. There is much symbolism in the Passover Seder meal—much foreshadowing of Christ’s death and resurrection. Here’s some words from friend, Jeffery D. Miller on this topic:
“At the center of every Seder is matzah, unleavened bread. While this is one of the elements commanded by God, it is a tradition to place three pieces of matzah in a pouch with three sleeves, so that none of the pieces touch each other. The middle matzah (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) is removed, broken in half, and a piece is wrapped in white cloth, set aside to be brought back later. Wow! What a picture of the burial and resurrection of our Messiah”
“Yeshua held up His piece of unleavened bread (it’s full of tiny holes-so it won’t warp when baked), the symbol of sinlessness which was pierced, saying “This is my body,” He hadn’t been pierced yet, but He knew it was coming.”
Learn more about Jeffrey D. Miller ministries, here.
I hope you have a wonder-full Easter celebration. He has Risen! Risen, indeed!