Scott Humston-2 Minute Tips-Episode 23-For Deposit Only

Scott Humston-2 Minute Tips-Episode 23-For Deposit Only

Asking for and receiving a deposit for your upcoming speech, performance or event is not just a quick “money grab” ; it is an acceptable and expected part of scheduling a professional.  It confirms that the date is on your calendar and should give the host peace of mind about your role in the upcoming…

Scott Humston-Two Minute Tips-Episode 21- M&M’s

Scott Humston-Two Minute Tips-Episode 21- M&M’s

  In this episode we’ll look at the all important “Contract Rider”.  Even if you aren’t “full-time” and you think that having Rider to your contract isn’t important…I hope you’ll take a listen. Let’s look at why should you have one;  Is it important? What should it do? How can you do it effectively—with out…

Scott Humston-2 Minute Tips-Episode 18-A Box of Biscuits

  Ready to hit the stage? Get on that platform? In this tip, I’ll share the importance of warming your voice up. If you have trained theatre experience, you probably know about the importance of warming up that voice with voice exercises.  Here are some of my favorite vocal warm-ups: A box of biscuits, a box of biscuit…

Scott Humston-2 Minute Tips-Episode 11-Comes In Handy

Scott Humston-2 Minute Tips-Episode 11-Comes In Handy

  In this episode, we’ll discuss a road-warrior tip that is vital! It’ll come in really handy for you! Promise! A golf-towel works great for this idea, too. Take 2 Minutes twice-a-week to become more polished and professional. Thanks so much for listening! Please subscribe and review on iTunes. Also, you are looking for ways…