Scott Humston-2 Minute Tips-Two Mics > One. Episode 36


You’ve probably seen it happen, at a conference, church service, or even a live show; There’s nothing more awkward to a performer, speaker OR to the audience, than when the presenter’s mic goes out.  And, if you are on stage for your part-time or full-time profession, it will happen to you at some point.

This is a simple onstage tip that will save your bacon at some point. No matter what kind of mic you use, you always need to have a “back up”.  If you are wearing a lapel or an over the ear mic, simply ask for handheld on a stand to be placed within an easy reach. If you are using a handheld, then just ask for another, and again, have it close by.

I’d also recommend that you have in your arrival/set-up/rider information that you’ll need that additional mic. That helps everyone.

Here’s To Your Success!

Scott Humston



Thanks so much for listening! Please subscribe and review on iTunes. Also, you are looking for ways to get more bookings, you should most definitely check out The Quick Course On Booking Yourself. You can get the first lesson, free, here.
Two Minute Tips are recorded by me, Scott Humston, and are copyright ©2018 by NDE, Inc. For more information on what I do, check out and follow me on Twitter or Instagram @scotthumston and my hashtag is #sharewonder


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