Scott Humston-2 Minute Tips-Episode 20-Making Cents

In this 2 Minute Tip, we’ll look at the importance of having a separate bank account for your speaking or performing business. Even if you’re just starting out—it’s good to start out right.

There are some easy, online options for setting up a bank account, too. Check out Simple Bank it’s a great, and simple way to organize your business. You can also check with your current bank about opening another checking on savings accounts.   Be careful, though. If you want to open a business account—you’ll have to have the official documents, licenses, and more.  This can be a crazy road to go down. And, someday, you’ll need to do it.  Maybe that day is today.  Always get the advice of a CPA when it comes to this stuff. You’ll be glad you did.

Thanks so much for listening! Please subscribe and review on iTunes. Also, you are looking for ways to get more bookings, you should most definitely check out The Quick Course On Booking Yourself. You can get the first lesson, free, here.
Two Minute Tips are recorded by me, Scott Humston, and are copyright ©2018 by NDE, Inc. For more information on what I do, check out and follow me on Twitter or Instagram @scotthumston and my hashtag is #sharewonder
Here’s To Your Success!

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