Scott Humston-2 Minute Tips-Respect Your Client & Audience-Episode 34

One of the best ways to build a good reputation in life is to keep your word. Fulfill your promises. This same timeless ideal also holds truthful in your on-stage career.  In this week’s tip, we’ll look at respecting the client that hired you, and the audience that is watching/listening to you. It’s vital insight in building…

Scott Humston-2 Minute Tips Podcast-Don’t Glare At Me-Episode 33

If you’ve ever seen any using an iPad while they are speaking, you may have noticed the brightness of the screen being reflected in their glasses, or on their face.  From the audience point of view, it is distracting—and it’s not necessary.  Here’s a way to “invert” the colors so that won’t happen to you….

Scott Humston-2 Minute Tips-Monitoring The Situation-Episode 31

  In today’s 2 Minute Tip, I’ll share with you one of my favorite productivity tips, while working in the office; Add a second or even third monitor to your computer workspace. If you happen to use two monitors now—add a third.  I’ve been using three monitors for a number of years…and it is a…

Scott Humston-Two Minute Tips-Episode 27-The Secret Of Voice Power

  Elocution? The secret is voice power.  It’s a noun and means the skill of clear and expressive speech, especially of distinct pronunciation and articulation.  So, as speakers, performers, entertainers, even preachers—those that communicate vocally—need to understand the importance of this.  But the first step to getting there is strong voice power. Not necessarily a strong…